Motion Powered by Supramolecular Assembly

Patra Research Lab
(48) Yadav, M.; Sangwan, A.; Mahapatra, R.; Bhardwaj, N.; Mondal, K.; Patra, D. Enzyme-Instructed Interfacial Jamming of Pillar[5]arenes for Macroscopic Signal Amplification. Langmuir 2025. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.langmuir.4c03984

(47) Agnihotri, P., Dheer, D., Sangwan, A., Chandran, V. C., Mavlankar, N. A., Hooda, G., Patra, D. & Pal, A. Design of multi-responsive and actuating microgels toward on-demand drug release. Nanoscale. https://doi.org/10.1039/D4NR02728K

(46) Mahapatra, R., Das, S., Gill, A. K., Singh, D., Sangwan, A., Ghosh, K., & Patra, D. "Sculpting Liquid Metal Stabilized Interfaces: A Gateway for Liquid Electronics". Nanoscale https://doi.org/10.1039/D4NR01836B

(45) Agashe, C., Saroha, A., Agasti, S.S. and Patra, D., "Supramolecular Modulation of Fluid Flow in a Self-Powered Enzyme Micropump". Langmuir https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c03958

(44) Agashe, c.; Roy, R.; Koner, A.K.; Patra, D.; "AIE-switching and Enantioselective Reactivity at Jammed Liquid-Liquid Interface” Adv. Opt. Mater. just accepted

(43) Alam, M.; Sangwan, R.; Agashe, C.; Gill, A. K.; Patra, D. "Autonomous macroscopic signal deciphering the geometric self-sorting of pillar[n]arenes " Chem. Commun. https://doi.org/10.1039/D3CC01372C

(42)Mishra, H. K.; Gill, A. K.; Gupta, V.; Malik, p.; Sinha, T. K.; Patra, D.; Mandal, D. "All Organic Aqueous Processable Piezo-Phototronic Ink for Strain Modulated Photoresponse "Adv. Mater. Technol." https://doi.org/10.1002/admt.202201350

(41) Alam, M.; Agashe, C.; Gill, A. K.; Varshney, R.; Tiwari, N.; Patra, D. "Discrimination of enantiomer and constitutional by self-generated microscopic fluid flow " Chem. Commun. 2023, 59, 434-437.

(40) Ahmed, I.; Biswas, R.; Singh, H.; Patil, R. A.; Varshney, R.; Patra, D.; Ma, Y.; Haldar, K. K. "Green synthesis of hybrid papain/Ni3(PO4)2 rods electrocatalyst for enhanced oxygen evolution reaction". New J. Chem., 2022,46, 20572-20579 doi.org/10.1039/D2NJ04043C

(39) Gill, A. K.; Shah, S.; Yadav, P.; Shanavas, P.; Neelakandan, P. P.; Patra, D.; “Visible-light Activated ROS Generator Multilayer Film for Antibacterial Coatings". J. Mater. Chem. B, 2022, 10, 9869-9877.

(38) Agashe, C; Alam, M.; Gill, A. K.; Varshney, R.; Joseph, J.; Tiwari, N.; Patra, D. “Flow-based Detection of Micropollutants using Pillar[5]arene Multilayer Film. ChemNanoMat just Accepted Manuscript doi.org/10.1002/cnma.202200277

(37) Alam, M.; Gill, A. K.; Varshney, R.; Miglani, C.; Tiwari, N.; Patra, D. “Polymer Multilayer Films Regulate Macroscopic Fluid Flow and Power Microfluidic Device via Supramolecular Interaction” Soft Matter 2022, 18, 5605-5614.

(36) Agashe, C.; Varshney, R.; Sangwan, R.; Gill, A. K.; Alam, M.; Patra, D. “Anisotropic Compartmentalization of Liquid-Liquid Interface using Dynamic Imine Chemistry” Langmuir 2022, 38, 8296-8303.

(35) Deshwal, A.; Gill, A. K.; Nain, S.; Patra, D.; Maiti, S. "Inhibitory effect of nucleotides on acetylcholine esterase activity and its microflow-based actuation in blood plasma" Chem. Commun. 2022, 58, 3501-3504.

(34) Varshney, R; Gill, A. K.; Alam, M.; Agashe, C.; Patra, D. "Fluid Actuation and Buoyancy Driven Oscillation by Enzyme Immobilized Microfluidic Microcapsules" Lab Chip 2021, 21, 4352-4356.

(33) Varshney, R; Agashe, C.; Gill, A. K.; Alam, M; Joseph, R.; Patra, D. "Modulation of Liquid Structure and Controlling Molecular Diffusion using Supramolecular Constructs" Chem. Commun. 2021, 57, 10604-10607.

(32) Gill. A. K; Varshney, R.; Alam, M.; Agashe, C.; Patra, D. "Maneuvering Fluid Motion and Flow-Induced Detection of Toxins by Enzyme Multilayer Films" ACS Appl. Bio. Mater. 2021, 4, 6203-6208.

(31) Alam, M.; Varshney, R.; Agashe, C.; Gill. A. K.; Patra, D. "Valveless Flow reversal by a pH responsive micropump" Chem. Commun. 2021, 57, 4584-4587.

(30) Varshney, R.; Alam, M.; Agashe, C.; Joseph, R.; Patra, D. "Pillar[5]arene Microcapsules Turn on Fluid Flow in Presence of Paraquat" Chem. Commun. 2020, 56, 9284.

(29) Varshney, R.; Kumar, S.; Ghosh, K.; Patra, D. “Fabrication of Dual Catalytic Microcapsules by Mesoporous Graphitic Carbon Nitride (mpg-C3N4) Nanoparticles-Enzyme Conjugates Stabilized Emulsions” New J. Chem. 2020, 44, 3097.

(28) Gill, A. K.; Riyajuddin, S.; Alam, M.; Ghosh, K.; Patra, D. “Mussel-inspired UV protective organic coatings via layer-by-layer assembly” Eur. Polym. J. 2020, 124, 109455.

(27) Varshney, R.; Sharma, S.; Prakash, B.; Laha, B. P.; Patra, D. “One-Step Fabrication of Enzyme-Immobilized Reusable Polymerized Microcapsules from Microfluidic Droplets” ACS Omega, 2019, 4, 13790-13794.

(26) Saddiqi, N, H.; Patra, D.; Seeger, S. “Room‐Temperature Synthesis of Germanium Oxide Nanofilaments and Their Potential Use as Luminescent Self‐Cleaning Surfaces” ChemPhysChem 2019, 20, 538-544.

(25) Saddiqi, N.†; Patra, D. †; Seeger, S. “Hydroxyapatite biomineralization on functionalized silicone nanofilaments” Colloid Interface Sci. Commun., 2017, 16, 1-5. (†authors contribute equally)

(24) Artus, G.; O. Sandro.; Patra, D.; Seeger, S. “Directed in situ shaping of complex nano- and microstructures during chemical synthesis” Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2017, 38, 4.

Before Joining INST
(23) Patra, D.; Vangal, P.; Cain, A. C.; Cho, C.; Regev, O.; Grunlan, J. C. “Inorganic Nanoparticle Thin Film that Suppresses Flammability of Polyurethane with only a Single electrostatically-Assembled Bilayers” ACS Appl. Mater. Interface, 2014, 6, 16903-16908.

(22) Patra, D. †; Sengupta, S. †; Rivera, I. O. †; Agrawal, A.; Dey, K. K.; Shklyaev, S.; Mallouk, T. E.; Sen A. “Self-powered Enzyme Micropumps” Nat. Chem., 2014, 6, 415-422. (†authors contribute equally).

(21) Davidi, I.; Patra, D.; Hermida-Merino, D.; Portale, G.; Rotello, V. M.; Raviv, U.; Shenhar, R. “Hierarchical Structures of Polystyrene-block-poly(2-vinyl pyridine)/Palladium-Pincer Surfactants: Effect of the Weak Surfactant-Polymer Interactions on the Morphological Behavior” Macromolecules, 2014, 47, 5774-5783.

(20) Sengupta, S.; Spiering, M.; Dey, K.; Duan, W.; Patra, D.; Butler, P.; Astumian, R. D.; Benkovic, S.; Sen, A. “DNA Polymerase as a Molecular Motor and Pump” ACS Nano, 2014, 8, 2410-2418.

(19) Patra, D.; Zhang, H.; Sengupta, S.; Sen, A. “Dual Stimuli-Responsive, Rechargeable Micropump via Host-Guest Interactions” ACS Nano, 2013, 7, 7674-7679.

(18) Patra, D.; Sengupta, S.; Duan, W.; Zhang, H.; Pavlick, R.; Sen, A. “Intelligent, Self-Powered Delivery Systems” Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 1273-1283.

(17) Jeong, Y.; Patra, D.; Sanyal, A.; Rotello V. M. “Fabrication of Stable Nanoparticle-Based Colloidal Microcapsules” Curr. Org. Chem., 2013, 17, 49-57.
(16) Xi, Y.; Pham, J. T.; Subramani, C.; Creran, B.; Yeh, Y. C.; Du, K.; Patra, D.; Miranda, O. M.; Crosby A. J.; Rotello, V. M. “Direct Patterning of Engineered Ionic Gold Nanoparticles via Nanoimprint Lithography” Adv. Mater., 2012, 24, 6330-6334.

(15) Abul-Kashem, M. M.; Patra, D.; Perlich, J.; Buffet, A.; Roth, S. V.; Rotello, V. M.; Muller-Buschbaum, P. “ Two- and Three-dimensional Network of Nanoparticles via Polymer-Mediated Self-Assembly” ACS Macro Lett., 2012, 1, 396-399.

(14) Rana, S.; Xi, Y. †; Patra, D. †; Moyano, D. F.; Miranda, O. R.; Hussain, I.; Rotello, V. M.; “Control of Surface Tension at Liquid–Liquid Interfaces Using Nanoparticles and Nanoparticle-Protein Complexes” Langmuir, 2012, 28, 2023–2027 († authors contribute equally).

(13) Yeh, Y. C.; Patra, D.; Yan, B.; Saha, K.; Miranda, O. M.; Kim, C. K.; Rotello, V. M. “ Synthesis of Cationic Quantum Dots via a Two-step Ligand Exchange Process” Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 3069-3071.

(12) Patra, D.; Sanyal, A.; Rotello, V. M. “Colloidal Microcapsule: A Self-assembly Approach at Liquid-Liquid interface” Chem. Asian. J., 2010, 5, 2442-2453.
(11) Patra, D.; Malvankar, N.; Chin, E.; Tuominen, M.; Gu, Z.; Rotello, V. M. “Fabrication of Conductive Microcapsules via Self-assembly and Crosslinking of Gold Nanowires at Liquid-Liquid Interface” Small, 2010, 6, 1402-1405.

(10) Patra, D.; Ozdemir, F.; Miranda, O. R.; Samanta, B.; Sanyal, A.; Rotello, V. M. "Formation and Size Tuning of Colloidal Microcapsules via Host-Guest Molecular Recognition at the Liquid-Liquid Interface" Langmuir, 2009, 25, 13852–13854.

(9) Patra, D.; Pagliuca, C.; Subramani, C.; Samanta, B.; Agasti, S. S.; Zainalabdeen, N.; Caldwell, S. T.; Cooke, G.; Rotello, V. M. "Molecular Recognition at the Liquid–Liquid Interface of Colloidal Microcapsules" Chem. Comm., 2009, 28, 4248-4250.

(8) Park, M.H.; Duan, X.; Ofir, Y.; Creran, B.; Patra, D.; Ling, Y. X.; Huskens, J.; Rotello, V. M. “Chemically Directed Immobilization of Nanoparticles onto Gold Substrates for Orthogonal Assembly Using Dithiocarbamate Bond Formaion” ACS Appl. Mater. Interface, 2010, 2, 795-799.

(7) Subramani, C.; Ofir, Y.; Patra, D.; Jordan, B. J.; Moran, I. W.; Park, M.-H.; Carter, K. R.; Rotello, V. M. "Nanoimprinted Polyethyleneimine: A Multimodal Template for Nanoparticle Assembly and Immobilization" Adv. Funct. Mater., 2009, 19, 2937 - 2942.

(6) Samanta,B.; Yang, X.-C.; Ofir, Y.; Park, M.-H.; Patra, D.; Agasti, S. S.; Miranda, O. R.; Mo, Z.-H.; Rotello, V. M. "Catalytic Microcapsules Assembled from Enzyme-Nanoparticle Conjugates at Oil-Water Interfaces" Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2009, 48, 5341–5344.

(5) Samanta, B.; Patra, D.; Subramani, C.; Ofir, Y.; Yesilbag, G.; Sanyal, A.; Rotello, V.M. "Stable Magnetic Colloidosomes via “Click” Mediated Crosslinking of Nanoparticles at Water-oil Interfaces" Small, 2009, 5, 685-688.

(4) Samanta, B.; Ofir, Y.; Patra, D.; Rotello, V. M. "Self-assembly of Fluorocarbon-coated FePt Nanoparticles for Controlling Structure and Wettability of Surfaces" Soft Matter, 2009, 5, 1247–1250.

(3) Jordan, B. J.; Ofir, Y.; Patra, D.; Caldwell, S. T.; Kennedy, A.; Joubanian, S.; Rabani, G.; Cooke, G.; Rotello, V. M. "Controlled Self-Assembly of Organic Nanowires and Platelets Using Dipolar and Hydrogen-Bonding Interactions" Small, 2008, 4, 2074-2078.

(2) Arumugam, P.; Patra, D.; Samanta, B.; Agasti, S. S.; Subramani, C.; Rotello, V. M. "Self-Assembly and Cross-linking of FePt Nanoparticles at Planar and Colloidal Liquid-Liquid Interfaces" J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2008, 130, 10046-10047.

(1) Xu, H.; Hong, R.; Wang, X.; Arvizo, R.; You, C-C; Samanta, B.; Patra, D.; Tuominen, M. T.; Rotello, V. M. "Controlled Formation of Patterned Gold Films via Site-Selective Deposition of Nanoparticles onto Polymer-Templated Surfaces" Adv. Mater., 2007, 19, 1383-1386.